Google contract workers say no to Work From Office, claim they can’t afford to travel to office

Google Maps contract employees reportedly have refused to return to office. Nearly 200 contract workers recently circulated a petition to keep working from home since some of them cannot afford their commute. Contract employees reportedly also highlighted the disparities between them and Google employees when it comes to policies.

Employees highlighted the rising fuel prices, increasing inflation and the fear of getting infected by COVID-19 in office as some of the reasons to continue working from home. About 60 per cent of 200 workers from Cognizant Technology Solutions, who outsources work for Google, signed the petition. The outsourcing firm wants its employees to work from the office five days a week starting June 6. These contractual employees play a key role in updating routes and destinations on Google Maps.

The New York Times report stated that Cognizant employees working with Google demanded a suspension of the return-to-office timeline and first address employees’ financial, health and childcare concerns. The petition was supported by 900 members of the Alphabet Workers Union. For the uninitiated, Alphabet is Google’s parent company.

Cognizant said in a statement that its return-to-office policy depended on the kind of work employees did and the needs of its clients. “The health and safety of our employees remain our top priority, and we require our employees to be vaccinated to return to our offices in the United States,” Jeff DeMarrais, Cognizant’s chief communications officer, said.

Google’s Courtenay Mencini, too, stated that the health of its community, including contract workers, is a company priority. Google gave its suppliers in Washington State 90 days’ notice for workers to return to the office, and those suppliers decided how to execute that policy, she said. Cognizant employees said that their managers gave them a 40-days notice to return to office and not 60 days as promised previously. The 20-day gap is significantly less to find child care or move, according to the employees.

Several companies are currently experiencing a similar situation. Apple recently asked employees to return to office. However, following the rise of new COVID-19 cases, the company asked its employees to work from home.

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