OnePlus cryptocurrency wallet may be in the works, hints a new company survey

OnePlus might foray into the cryptocurrency market going forward. The Chinese technology major hinted at the possibility through a recent survey it conducted on blockchain research.

Titled OnePlus Blockchain Research, the new survey is carried out by the OneLab team at OnePlus through a Google Doc. It seeks feedback on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and others from the OnePlus community through a series of questions.

The survey also asks users if they have used cryptocurrency trading platforms like Binance, Coinbase, Gemini or Robinhood in recent times. In totality, the 5 to 10 minutes survey looks at ways in which the OnePlus community engages with blockchain-related activities.

Though the survey is titled around Blockchain technology, it focuses less on the technology itself and instead puts up queries around its application to users. It asks for the frequency at which the users invest in cryptocurrency or check their market prices. It further questions the kind of crypto wallet that the respondents use and whether they face any inconvenience on it or not while investing in cryptocurrencies.
This might mean a new crypto exchange to be launched by the tech giant. However, a simple crypto wallet for holding cryptocurrencies and not trade them is much more likely to be the case if OnePlus eventually decides to offer a crypto service to its users.

The survey also asked for users’ interest in Non Fungible Tokens or NFTs. So, OnePlus could also be looking to come up with something related to NFTs.

The company’s interest in cryptocurrencies is easily understandable, especially at a time when people from around the globe are rushing to invest in the market. Interestingly, the blockchain-backed currencies have decentralised the operations, and traditional banks are having little say in how the market shapes. Technology giants like OnePlus thus have a wide play area for developing services to be a part of the cryptocurrency community going forward.

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