Apple iPhone 15 to come with USB C port, Apple confirms it will adopt USB C port

Ever wished your iPhone had a USB Type- C port and not a lighting port? Well, your wish will soon turn into reality. Apple might replace the lighting port with a USB Type-C port in its next line-up of iPhones, which means the iPhone 15 will not feature the lighting port. The Cupertino-giant, however, is not pleased with the idea of including a USB Type-C port in its smartphones, it is rather forced to comply with EU law which demands Apple to get rid of the lighting port and opt for a Type-C port instead.
The European Law has mandated all phones to have a USB Type-C port by 2024. Apple, which is the only smartphone maker to include a charging port different from others, said that it has no choice but to comply with EU law. “Obviously, we’ll have to comply; we have no choice,” Apple’s senior Greg Joswiak. “the Europeans are the ones dictating timing for European customers,” he further added. As per the European Union, “all mobile phones and tablets” will have to include USB-C by “autumn 2024.”

Although Joswiak confirmed that all iPhones launched in Europe will arrive with a USB Type- C port, he did not divulge any information on whether the phones outside of Europe will get the USB Type-C port or not. Joswiak was vocal about Apple’s displeasure over the EU’s new law. He reiterated that replacing the lighting port with a Type-C port will generate a lot of e-waste.

The iPhones with a USB Type C port will end the woes of users. Users will be able to borrow chargers from people with Android phones, which is currently not possible. iPhone users are always fewer in number as compared to Android users. So, in a room full of people, there could be 10 Android users and only 2-3 iPhone users. In such cases, lending a charger becomes difficult if you are not carrying the iPhone’s charger because the chances are that people around you may not be iPhone users. In scenarios like this, you wish the iPhone had a charging port like all other phones on the market as that would have made things so much simpler.

The latest generation iPads and laptops currently feature USB Type C ports.

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