PUBG Mobile permanently bans over 1 million accounts for cheating, here is how to avoid it

In its latest crackdown, PUBG Mobile has said it has permanently deleted over 1 million accounts for cheating in the game. The user base of PUBG Mobile is large, thanks to the immense popularity of the battle royale but, at the same time, the game is plagued by certain players who resort to cheating in the game. The cheating, essentially, is carried out by using hacks in the game, which spoil the gameplay for the rest of the players. To maintain the decorum, PUBG Mobile introduced the anti-cheat system some months back.

PUBG Mobile tweeted that it has banned 1,110,842 accounts permanently from accessing the game. This means these accounts cannot be revived because they have been booted out of the game completely. Some of these accounts are usually bots that players create to help them win a match using hacks and decoys in the game whereas the rest leverage these cheats themselves to ensure victory in the game. According to PUBG Mobile, the majority of reasons for the ban include,

-- Auto-Aim Hacks
-- Speed Hacks
-- X-Ray Vision

PUBG Mobile has outed some stats in the latest anti-cheating report, dated between March 5 and March 11. In the report, PUBG Mobile has said that a whopping 34 per cent of the accounts banned belonged to the Bronze category. At the second spot is the Diamond category with a 13 per cent share. The Silver and Crown ranked accounts were 12 per cent in the crackdown while the platinum and gold accounts were 11 per cent and 10 per cent, respectively. 7 per cent in the chart belonged to the Ace category accounts. The least number of cheating players were in the Conqueror category.

Not just the ranks of players, PUBG Mobile also detailed the share of various hacks and their popularity among cheating players. Of all the banned accounts, 29 per cent used the Auto-Aim Hacks while 28 per cent used X-Ray Vision. The 19 per cent of accounts used Speed Hacks, 7 per cent used Modification of Area Damage and 1 per cent Modification of Character Model. The remaining 16 per cent of accounts used other sorts of hacks, such as those available using third-party software, in the game that are not as much popular in PUBG Mobile.

Compared to the previous report, the number of cheating players is less this time. PUBG Mobile banned 41 per cent fewer players during the March 5 to March 11 report. To ensure fair gameplay, PUBG Mobile upped the ante against cheating players and the company’s anti-cheat system has been uprooting them from the game.

How to avoid getting banned?
PUBG Mobile, unlike most other games, does not allow players to legitimately use cheats or hacks in the game. That is because using these cheats gives these players an upper edge over their enemies who are not sure about the hacks. PUBG Mobile has urged players to play the game fairly, which means you acquire the skills by spending as much time as possible in the game and get better at spotting enemies and killing them.


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