PUBG Mobile Karakin map to let you have Chicken Dinner in desert, release date out

PUBG Mobile Karakin map is going to be exciting for players. It was announced that PUBG Mobile Update 1.3 will bring the Karakin map that will take the place of the Vikendi map. The PUBG Mobile 1.3 is already rolling out to players with the new Hundred Rhythms Mode, which brings along several new weapons and special abilities. Now, the Karakin map is based on a North African coast, which is why you get to have the Chicken Dinner in a desert.

According to the patch notes of PUBG Mobile Update 1.3, the Karakin map is dry, has an open environment, and is filled with boulders. The Karakin map stretches two square kilometres and supports only Classic Mode that can have a maximum of 64 players. There will be a Demolition Zone mechanic available on the map. And this Demolition Zone is what will define the Karakin map largely. It will spice up the gameplay by reducing the number of hideouts on the map, allowing players to turn buildings into ashes. The demolition of buildings happens in real-time, in the purple area of the Mini-map, which is why players will need to return to the safe zone to avoid getting trampled inside demolished buildings.

PUBG Mobile Karakin Map release date
PUBG Mobile made an announcement via its Instagram profile that the Karakin map will be released for players on April 7. Though a particular timing is not available right now. The makers also said that the Karakin map will replace Vikendi, so players who want to spend their time on the Vikendi map must do that before the map is gone.

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