Top TED Talks of 2019 and What You Can Learn

The Top TED Talks of 2019 and What You Can Learn From Them
That’s TED’s tagline, and the organization -- originally launched as a convergence of the technology, entertainment and design industries -- has done its best to stick to that mission since 1984. Talks cover everything from how to recover from activism burnout to quantum computing explained in 10 minutes. Every second, 17 people watch a TED Talk, on average, and the organization’s videos have garnered well over one-billion views.
If you’re looking for a spark of inspiration, here are six of the most compelling talks of 2019 so far, with key takeaways.

3 Psychological Tricks to Help You Save Money (Wendy De La Rosa)

There’s a reason saving more money ranks in the top five New Year’s resolutions each January: We all want to do it, but it’s easier said -- or written down on a resolution list -- than done. Behavioral scientist Wendy De La Rosa aims to change that in her TED Talk, teaching three psychological strategies for overcoming our propensity to spend-not-save.
One preliminary thing to keep in mind: “It’s not about how smart you are or how much willpower you have,” said De La Rosa. Instead, she said, it’s about the environment in which you think about saving. Exhibit A: In one of De La Rosa’s studies, subjects who were shown their income on a weekly basis were able to budget better than people who were shown their monthly income total, she said.

Why Working From Home Is Good for Business (Matt Mullenweg)

Matt Mullenweg’s employees live all over the world, from California to New Zealand. He’s the cofounder of Wordpress and CEO of Automattic, which has a 100 percent distributed workforce of close to 800 employees. Why? In his TED Talk, Mullenweg said he believes that “talent and intelligence are equally distributed throughout the world, but opportunity is not,” and that the most diverse perspectives inherently come from people living and working in countries different from your own.
“In Silicon Valley, you have the big tech companies fishing from essentially the same small pond or bay,” said Mullenweg. “By making the company distributed, we can fish from the entire ocean.”  A distributed workforce also offers unprecedented flexibility for employees: They can choose the food they eat at their office, noise level, temperature and more.
If you’re looking to skew your own office towards a distributed workforce, the first step is to document everything and leave a trail of your thought process in making different decisions, said Mullenweg. It’s not just efficient for people in different time zones; it’s also helpful for any company over time as people leave and join up.
Mullenweg sees the future of work as being completely decentralized. “I think that companies will evolve to be ‘distributed first,’ or that they’ll be replaced by those that are,” he said.

How to Lead a Conversation Between People Who Disagree (Eve Pearlman)

We’re living in the Information Age, but some feel it’s never been harder to find the truth. Political divides grow deeper, technology seems to create more rifts than it mends and, from sea to shining sea, it’s growing increasingly more difficult for people to talk to each other in a calm, respectful, open way.
Journalist Eve Pearlman wanted to change that, so she spearheaded Spaceship Media, a company prioritizing “dialogue journalism” -- journalism-supported open discussions between people who disagree -- and explained it in her TED Talk. After the 2016 election, she brought together 25 Clinton supporters from California and 25 Trump supporters from Alabama to talk about hot-button issues. The first question: What do you think the other side thinks of you? After getting those stereotypes out of the way, participants discussed guns, immigration, race and education. “What we found, remarkably, is that real dialogue is, in fact, possible -- and that when given a chance and structure around doing so… many of our fellow citizens are eager to engage,” said Pearlman.

How to Spot a Pyramid Scheme (Stacie Bosley)

In 2004, a new company called Vemma Nutrition started offering anyone, regardless of education or experience, the opportunity to earn part-time income for full-time work. The only requirements to get started: Spend $500 to $600 on a product kit and recruit two more members to do the same, explains economist Stacie Bosley in her TED Talk. By 2013, Vemma Nutrition had expanded globally and brought in $200 million per year. But it turned out that most members earned less than their initial deposit, and Vemma was charged with operating a pyramid scheme.
So how do you identify -- and avoid -- a pyramid scheme? The primary red flag: A founder solicits an initial group of people to buy into the company and recruit other members, with the promise they’ll earn a commission for each new person who joins or invests. The founder also takes a share. The catch: “As a pyramid scheme grows, it becomes increasingly difficult for new recruits to make money,” said Bosley. For example, the founder recruits an initial group of six, who then recruit six people each (adding up to 36), who then, in turn, each recruit six others: a total of 216. By the twelfth recruiting round, the 2.1 billion new members would be tasked with recruiting over 13 billion others -- more than the world population -- in order to turn a profit, said Bosley. In this example, over 80 percent of the scheme’s newest participants lose everything they paid in.
As for the difference between pyramid schemes and “legitimate” multi-level marketing (MLM) opportunities? Bosley said it’s a question of whether members primarily earn compensation from selling a product or service or from recruiting new members. If you’re considering taking on a new opportunity, keep an eye out for red flags, as many pyramid schemes disguise themselves as legal MLMs.


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