Google's Android app now lets you delete last 15 minutes of search history

Google has added a new privacy feature to its Android app that allows users to quickly delete search history. The company has confirmed to The Verge that it has started rolling out this feature and it should reach everyone in the next few weeks. With the latest addition, those who use the Google app will be able to delete the last 15 minutes of search history.
The company first announced this feature at last year’s Google I/O event in May and it was first made available on Google’s iOS app. It is now finally arriving for Android users too. If you use Google app on your Android smartphone and would like to use this feature, then you can simply open the app, tap on your profile picture and tap again on the ”Delete last 15 min.”

“We’re currently rolling this feature out on the Google app for Android and expect it to be available to everyone using the app in the next few weeks. We’re continuing to explore ways to bring this helpful feature to other surfaces,” Google spokesperson Ned Adriance said.

This feature could come in handy if you have searched for some embarrassing topic on the Google app and don’t want anyone to find out about that. A lot of people use the same Google account on different devices such as tablets and smartphones. So, if your family also uses the same tablet, then you can use this feature to quickly delete history.

It is currently unknown whether Google also plans to roll out the feature to the desktop version of the app. Last year, Google asserted that the feature would only be released for Android and iOS users. But, there are chances that the company might announce a rollout timeline for the desktop version too at the upcoming Google I/O event, which will take place in May this year.

Google also offers three separate options that help automatically delete search history. One can set the delete search history option for three, 18, or 36 months old. Those who use Chrome can also quickly erase search history by visiting the settings section. One just needs to tap on the three-dotted button, tap again on History, and then tap on the cross (x) icons to delete the ones that you don’t want to see in your search history. In the same section, you will also find Clear browsing data option.”

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