Twitter will now let some iOS users sell tickets for their live audio sessions on Spaces

Twitter has started rolling out Ticketed Spaces for some iOS users. Now if you are wondering what that is, it is a paid audio room. A Spaces user can charge money for letting you enter his audio room. Twitter said that it is currently experimenting with the feature for some iOS users. Earlier in June, Twitter opened its applications for iOS and Android users to try Ticketed Spaces and Super Follows with their audiences share their feedbacks about the same.
“We want to help people creating cool Spaces make $$$ today, some Hosts will be able to create Ticketed Spaces! we’re experimenting on iOS only for now but we hope to get it to everyone soon know it’s taking us a little time, but we want to get this right for you!” Twitter announced on its platform. Twitter did not reveal whether the feature would be rolled out to Indian users or not.

Ticketed Spaces will let users host exclusive audio shows like sessions, concerts or musical shows but users will not be able to join them for free. Using Ticketed Spaces, the creators can make some money by charging people. However, the subject or the content of the show should be captivating enough. People should feel like paying for the Spaces.

The host can set the price of the ticket, and it can be as low as $1 and as high as $999. Around 100 people can be invited to a Ticketed Space. Not just that, the host can also promote and send a reminder to attendees with push and in-app notifications sent directly to their devices and share your Space details directly to your Home Timeline.

“We want to help make Twitter not just a fun place to engage your audience, but a place where you can earn money driving great conversations—whether you’re just starting out or have already built a following. You can earn up to 97% of the revenue from Spaces ticket purchases and Super Follows subscriptions. Twitter won’t take more than a 3% share until you exceed $50,000 in lifetime earnings on both products. After this point, Twitter’s share increases to up to 20% of future earnings,” Twitter had said in the blog about the Ticketed Spaces,

As of now, anybody can join Spaces on Twitter. It is not paid feature. The feature is currently being used to conduct webinars and even musical concerts.

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