Fortnite's next mega event likely on August 6, alien invasion may be the theme

Fortnite is gearing up for its next big event, the countdown for which has begun. Epic Games’ hit battle royale Fortnite is organising a mega event on August 6 (3.35 am IST, August 7) where something related to an alien ship is awaiting. Epic does not divulge information about Fortnite’s events before they kick-off, which is why there is not much to tell right now. Fortnite events in the past have been themed around a Galactus attack or a black-hole or a single-player mission, which is why looking forward to an alien-themed event is not an overstatement.
Its intent doesn’t seem to be for harm,” said Epic in its note for Fortnite Battle Royale v17.21 about the alien ship that is hovering over The Aftermath. The update brings the Plasma Cannon, which can fire five plasma balls that, although moving slowly, cause great damage to enemies in the line. Not just other players, the plasma balls also affect vehicles, said Epic Games. This is going to be the first big event for Epic since the Marvel season finale that took place in December last year.

“How the Plasma Cannon affects buildings is a different story. Fearing Aliens may prove to be advanced architects, the IO made it so that the Plasma Cannon destroys structures just about instantly. The Plasma Cannon can be crafted in addition to being found. Because the IO used Alien technology to invent it, it can be crafted by combining a Legendary Pistol with an Alien Nanite,” said Epic.

All of this is likely to be available at the upcoming event. As we move closer to the end of the countdown, it is likely Fortnite’s event brings more information for players. Recent rumours have suggested that an Ariana Grande concert is coming to Fortnite, but it does not quite seem like something that players would find in an event about an alien invasion. Nothing is clear on this front right now.

The current season of Fortnite, which brings aliens to the game in an invasion and, along with them, all sorts of alien weapons and terrain, kicked off on June 8 and is still running. During the time players were in the current season, Fortnite received a horde of updates, including an easy-life concert, a short film festival. TV and sports characters such as Loki and LeBron James have also starred in Fortnite recently.

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