Florida wildlife officials remove 10-foot long python from Mustang engine. Viral video

A10-foot long Burmese python was removed from under the hood of a blue Mustang in Florida on October 29. MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife posted a video of the incident on their Facebook page and the internet is absolutely baffled.


Wildlife officers were summoned to the Dania Beach on Thursday morning to remove a 10-foot long Burmese python from the car's engine compartment. As the officers opened the Mustang's hood to investigate, both of them were stunned to find the python inside.

The python was removed by the officers with the help of two steel rods and thereafter, put inside a bag.

"Under hood surprise! We received a call about a large python under the hood of a blue Mustang! Our officers quickly responded and safely captured and removed the approximately 10-foot invasive snake. This is a success for native wildlife since pythons prey on native birds, mammals and reptiles. Thanks to the citizen who reported the python to us. We rely on reports from the public to help us quickly respond and remove these species," the caption on the Facebook page said.

The video has gone viral on social media as netizens shared their thoughts and opinions in the comments section.

The agency also said that Burmese pythons are not native to Florida. They prey on birds, mammals and even alligators.


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