Unlock 5 guidelines likely today: All you need to know about new rules

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is likely to announce a slew of new relaxations for the nest phase of the lockdown

The MHA had earlier allowed Metro trains to resume services. It had also said that more restrictions will be eased in the coming days and activities would slowly be permitted in areas outside the containment zones. In the recent virtual meeting with chief ministers of the seven worst-hit states, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had stressed upon the need to implement “micro-containment” zones instead of imposing local lockdowns and curfews for one or two days a week.

While the West Bengal government has announced the reopening of cinema halls, the central government is yet to announce guidelines for the rest of the country. The Home Ministry had, however, in its Unlock 4.0 guidelines specified that individual states cannot impose lockdowns on their own without consulting the Centre.

Here's what can be expected in Unlock 5.0 guidelines:


While restaurants, malls, salons and gyms were allowed to resume services in September, more economic activities may be allowed from October in adherance with the coronavirus protocols.

Prime Minister NArendra Modi had urged states to reassess containments and lockdowns in a way that curbs spread of the coronavirus without causing hindrance to economic activities. “Because of this, economic activity should not face problems. We have to increase our focus on effective testing, treating and surveillance, and clear messaging,” he said.


Information and Broadcasting Ministry secretary, Amit Khare, had suggested the MHA a sitting arrangement formula for movie theatres to open. According to the plan, alternate seats in the first and next rows will be kept vacant to maintain social distancing.

West Bengal became the first state to announce the resumption of cinema halls, along with all musical, dance, recital and magic shows from October 1, “with 50 participants or less”.


Amid all the restrictions, the tourism sector is the one to have taken a massive hit and is struggling to revive itself from the stark losses faced in the past five months.

October may change the current state as tourist destinations will finally open their doors to travellers. Recently, the Uttarakhand government allowed tourist entry to the state without any Covid-19 negative report or institutional quarantine rules.


Schools have already started on a voluntary basis for students of Class IX-XII and the same is likely to continue. Primary classes are likely to remain shut and will continue through online teaching. Universities and colleges have started taking admission tests and the new academic year may begin with online classes.

Meanwhile, India's coronavirus tally crossed the 62-lakh mark with a spike of 80,472 new cases & 1,179 deaths reported in last 24 hours. The total case tally stands at 62,25,764 including 9,40,441 active cases, 51,87,826 cured/discharged/migrated & 97,497 deaths according to the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

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