Elon Musk says he’s not concerned about his Twitter DMs being released to the public


Tesla CEO Elon Musk in an interview said he’s not all concerned about his Twitter's direct messages (DMs) being released to the public.

This came in response to Twitter’s recent announcement about account hackers having accessed Direct messages or private messages from some of the hacked accounts.

In an interview with the NYT Musk said, "I’m not that concerned about my DMs being made public. I mean, we can probably cherry pick some section of my DMs that sound bad out of context but overall my DMs mostly consist of swapping memes."

DMs are private messages that users send to other users in confidence in the form of texts, pictures, links, or videos. This means that hackers have had access to private information from those 36 accounts which they could use at a later point.

Twitter, however, had confirmed that none of the accounts from which the DMs were accessed were verified.

“We believe that for up to 36 of the 130 targeted accounts, the attackers accessed the DM inbox, including 1 elected official in the Netherlands. To date, we have no indication that any other former or current elected official had their DMs accessed,” Twitter said.

Elon Musk also recently criticised Twitter by tweeting, ”Twitter sucks” from his account. When one Twitter user replied to the tweet saying that Twitter is better than Facebook, Musk said, “Facebook? Haven’t heard that name in years. ”
Musk, who is known for his unapologetic tweets has deleted his Twitter account in the past and made an appearance on the platform again.

In another recent contentious tweet Musk said, “Pronouns suck.” It was not just Twitter users who criticised his tweet but also his partner, Canadian musician Grimes. “I love you but please turn off ur phone or give me a dall [sic],” Grimes wrote in a Tweet that she has now deleted. “I cannot support hate. Please stop this. I know this isn’t your heart.”

Musk, in the interview, said that he has a secret Instagram account to check what people send to him.

Musk, who has been criticised in the past for downgrading COVID 19, said he may have had it in January. “I think the reality of COVID is that it is dangerous if you’re elderly and have pre-existing conditions,” he said in the interview. “It absolutely makes sense to have a lockdown if you’re vulnerable, but I do not think it makes sense to have a lockdown if you’re not vulnerable.” Musk further said that he uses masks on the factory floor.

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