Looking for a job? Thinking of doing business? To repay the loan? Thinking about the bright future of your children? Smss.In (5G) Madat System Scheme l🌿 India's First Economic Freedom Campaign " Let's understand this help system

Looking for a job?
 Thinking of doing business?
 To repay the loan?
Thinking about the bright future of your children?
Smss.In (5G) Madat System Scheme l🌿
India's First Economic Freedom Campaign "
Let's understand this help system
In this system, 1 person from every household can participate.
This aid system is not run by any company or any person.
 In this help system some needy people help each other and together they can also get financial freedom, get rid of debt.
The main objective of this madat system is to help the financially weak people and that too with the feeling of helping each other.
 How does this help system work?
First of all, you only get Rs 5000. To help, that too only once and that 5000 rupees. You will also get back if you work with the system.
 Out of 5000 you have to donate to ₹ 1000 institution
After that you can join this system.
After this, your organization generates an ID!
On that ID you will have 2 people's accounts show, one of which will be of your upline and one of super line!
After donating to a ₹ 1000 organization, you have ₹ 4000 left, out of those 4000, you have to put ₹ 2000 in your offline account and ₹ 2000 in a super-offline account.
 This help does not go to any company or any one person, but this help is financially weak and goes to people like us.
After helping you get Rs 5000, you are given 6 forms.
In those 6 forms, you can include such people in this system, who are financially weak, are troubled by debt, which today no one is willing to help.
 They can be your relatives, friends, neighbors, anyone you know.
From that you have to take Rs 2,000 from 6 people.
(2,000 x 6 = 12,000) Rs will come to you.
Out of that, you have to help 5000 rupees through the system, those people who are financially weak and whose name will be in the form given to you, they will give you
 To get magical donation…
You have to keep 50% Donation of 6 IDs in SMSS and they are also included in the system * ie * # in SMSS you get total *
 - bank transfer
 * Cash * 12000 - Total Donation income gets *
(At the 2nd level) When your 6 people help the people given in their forms, then your name will come to number 1 in the system and you will get 2000 from your 6 people i.e. 6 people
(6 x 2000 = Rs. 12000) will help with bank transfer.
(3 rd level) Likewise, till the 13th level is completed, you will be able to mix with the total * 1.5 crore people and you will get 2000
4 (in 13 levels) and the amount to be received will be * 3000 crores / -Ru * (93535852)
Friends, remember that through this system we are doing country service and social service as well as helping many poor vulnerable families, removing unemployment.
We are not even giving 1 / - rupees to any person or company from this system nor are we running any multilevel marketing, chain marketing, investment or money circulation plan from this system.
 Rather the way we help each other in the same way, we are helping each other in this system and that too through bank transfers.
The only objective is to give employment to people, free them from debt, there is no need to pay interest or pledge anything to anyone here.
And the biggest thing is that you never have to return the help you received.
Is not a strong system
Now think about how many families like you and you can be free from debt by joining this system. Join this system today and now and inform your friends, relatives, neighbors and all the needy people about it. Join the system. Help the nation help the people.
More information whatsapp_3358572-6382571296


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