Joining Amount:-299₹ only Join group for updates DHANI Crowd Funding

5050 came to give a fight to CF

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Joining Amount: -299 ₹ only
Join group for updates DHANI Crowd Funding
Just put 🆔 once, then the money has to come in every situation, the first thing is to register. Http://

The link for level 1वल99 ₹ will come from your sponsor. So you have to send to your sponsor / another link of ₹ 200 will come by talking to paymnent
After that 3 people will get 200 + 200 + 200 = 600 ₹ without joining anyone.
Level1 👇 600 ₹ You have to get rid of 500 ₹ from the first level you need to get updrade so you can take 9 logos from 500 × 9 = 4500.
Level2 that is 4500 मिले you get 3500 🆔 from that upgrade you 🆔
Have to do so that you can take 3500 × 27 = 94500 ₹ from 27 people
Level 3 👇 94500 ₹ You have to give 3500 ₹ to the company you have received
4000 ₹ to be paid for RE ENTRY
7000 ₹ to SPONSOR

50000 ₹ have to pay 🆔 upgrade
Total (3500 + 4000 + 7000 + 50000) 94500-64500 = 30000
Now you don't have to pay anyone just to get
Level 4 / You will give only 40,00000 ₹ according to 81 people 50000 देंगे
 Only 4 level small plan
 Without a team - earn money
Dhani Crowd Funding
Earn 40Lakh Non-working Income
Level Income

1 100 ₹
2 1000 ₹
3 37500 ₹
4 40Lakh
First Come First Serve


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